Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tips To Get Over A Boyfriend

He broke up with you. The partnership is done and he’s moving on. Despite you still being in love with him you need to get on with your life. Your feelings for your ex won’t go away but you are making the right decision to try and move on. He was an integral part of your life for years but it’s now time to forget the past and think to your future. If you want to know how to get over a boyfriend, check out these following tips:

Get Over Boyfriend Technique 1

The fact that the relationship is now finished is the first thing you need to come to terms with. I know you don’t want to hear it but it is over now. Whether you dumped him or the other way it isn’t important now. The sooner you come to terms with this then the better it will be for you.

Get Over Boyfriend Technique 2:

The next step is to throw all items related to him. It is of course very tough to do, but there is no way you can move on with your life if you still see his things everywhere. Put things in a box that is stored away if you can’t cope with ditching his stuff at this point. It’s important to put things out of sight so they are out of mind to speed up the recovery process and get over your boyfriend.

Get Over Boyfriend Technique 3:

The third tip is to not keep everything bottled up but let your feelings out. Scream and shout and let it all out if you need to do this. However, try to do this on your own, rather than in front of onlookers. Don’t bottle up your emotions and let them grow. Letting your emotions flood out will make you feel a whole lot better inside. You will no doubt feel down about everything ending and remember the good times, but you always have to keep mind that to get over your boyfriend then you have to release those feelings.

Get Over Boyfriend Technique 4:

Talking to someone else is the fourth tip. Once you have released your feelings then it will be beneficial to share those feelings with a person you trust. You should try and discuss everything with you family and friends and others if you want. As they are impartial they will aid your recovery and hopefully offer good advice so you can progress with your life. Discuss the reason why you want to get over your boyfriend fast and move forward, starting from fresh. In most circumstances they should be please to be there to aid your recovery. Issues that are shared with another person can normally be resolved faster.

Get Over Boyfriend Technique 5:

The next stage is try to be happy again. It’s of no benefit whatsoever to sit around and wallow in self pity at this point. Try to do things you enjoy like reading or watching movies to attempt to feel happy again. You should attempt to make the choice towards a positive attitude rather than a negative outlook on life. One of the best and easiest ways to feel good is to help other people out and do good deeds. Things will happen fast and you will feel better in no time if you just stay positive and happy.

Get Over Boyfriend Technique 6:

Heading off to make new friends is the final tip to successfully getting over your boyfriend. Getting over your boyfriend will be substantially easier if you go out and try to see new people. Before long you’ll come to understand there’s plenty more out there besides just him. Plus, you might just find someone new to see. However, you have to ensure that you have completed the previous steps before doing this. You must get over your boyfriend before finding a new one as things will get very complicated. It would not be fair on your new man at all to do this.

So, these are the tips you need in order to get over your boyfriend. Take things a step at time though and ensure you don’t hurry into it. Of course you did love that person, but that’s over now and it’s time to move forward. I really hope that these guidelines can assist you in getting over you boyfriend and moving on.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Five Things To Do To Heal A Break Up

Oh no, did get dumped recently? Dealing with pain and suffering after a break up is never easy but with these tips I hope I can help you. I will discuss five areas that will help you to bounce back from a break up quicker than normal.

The relationship is over so you need to realize that.

You have to ensure that you realize that things are over and you are single again. It’s entirely possible that you may get back together or find someone better. Nobody can know with any certainty what is around the corner, but at the moment things are over and you need to acknowledge that. One of the worst things you can do is keep badgering your ex in order to win them back.

Look at what’s great about you and use it in your favor.

I’m sure you get the feeling that you have lost everything and your life has been turned on it’s head. This is not really true after all in fact. Spend time with friends and families and focus on things you enjoy to get over a bad period. By increasing your confidence again, you will start realize that you have loads going on in your life after all.

Try to leave the house when you can.

Don’t become a hermit after being dumped. Attempt to leave the house and make yourself new friends or see those you haven’t seen in years. Friends can ensure that you feel better and and start your post break up healing. If you have vast amount of friends then you will heal better and feel great.

Set challenges for yourself to make things better in your life.

This is in addition to your relationship. By setting goals to make your life better you can prevent yourself thinking about the break up. Are you after a rise at work? Maybe yoga classes are what you desire? Is painting something you want to do? Right now is a fantastic time to do those things. Try to achieve these goals and build your self-confidence up. This is a very important tip to do with a break up.

Calling him is not the right approach.

Try not to call your ex if you are attempting to deal with heartbreak. You life will never return to normal until you stop calling him. You don’t want to burden yourself in your delicate emotional state with news that he might be seeing someone else, or reading too much into something he says. The most important thing you can do is to keep well clear of your ex so you can heal.

By heeding this advice you will be better prepared for the break up and get on with your life. The more tips you accomplish the better it will be for you and your recovery time.

How To Make A Relationship Work In 4 Easy Steps

Ups and downs are part and parcel of relationships. It’s usual for two people to start seeing each other as they are content with each other. Relationships will inevitable struggle at some point though in time. It’s not easy to make a relationship work sometimes, but with the right mindset you can succeed by looking at these 4 factors.

Discover how to say you’re sorry and mean it. Either yourself or your partner at some point will make a mistake. The mistake could be minor such as not being somewhere when you say you will be or could be major as in an affair.

Don’t let pride get in the way and say sorry if you need to. Even at times when you didn’t make a mistake, you should still listen to your partner’s attempts to say sorry. If both you are willing to admit wrong doing if you were in the wrong, then there’s no reason why the relationship shouldn’t grow stronger and move on from a difficult situation.

You more than likely have ideas of a romantic kind that you will live contented for the rest of your life. Let’s get real though. Unfortunately for most of us we can’t be happy all the time and relationships are not normally perfect all the time.

It’s completely common for you to do other things separately from your partner from time to time. Relax and spend some time with your friends. Women should maybe do some retail therapy and men can go for a beer in the pub with their mates. Not only will you feel a lot better, you will also appreciate your partner and talk to them when you see them next.

Show solidarity when making a decision about anything. There is always one person that is the leader and one who agrees with their decisions made. You should still make decisions with unity regardless of which of you is the leader.

It can get quite tedious in any relationship where one person is always deciding everything. It’s important for you to make things more varied. Allow your partner to make choices if you have made the decisions one day. What you could also do is make it fun. If things appear to get silly don’t worry too much about that.

Make time to make your relationship work. It would be foolish to assume that relationships are easy. Both of you will argue on occasion with your partner. This is sometimes a sign for some to give up on a relationship.

Opposed to calling it a day, you can attempt to make things stronger again. It’s important that you don’t just quit when there is the hint of problems. Make sure you sit and talk to your partner. It is possible to find solutions to problems when you have a frank and open discussion with your partner without any blame attached.

Overall, making a relationship work is all about working through problems as opposed to quitting when the going gets tough. Increasing a relationship’s length is fantastic for both parties. To know that you can rely on your partner to be there for you whenever you need them is a brilliant feeling. If you follow these 4 tips then you will strengthen your relationship and improve things with your partner.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Forgive An Affair And Move On Stronger - 5 Critical Tips

Learning to forgive an affair is important because it's so hard to do. Few things in life are as distressing as finding out that your partner has been cheating. Also difficult is the decision to make the relationship work rather than just break up, but you can deeply strengthen your relationship and will help both of you to become better people.

Remember, You're Not the One Who Cheated.

It may be that something you did contributed to your partner's decision to cheat, but in the final analysis remember that it was your partner, and not you, who undertook such hazardous behavior, and it can't be blamed on you. It's not the case that you're somehow a failure at relationships because this happened. Before you even consider forgiving your partner for the affair, you must first forgive yourself.

Don't Keep Hurling this in Your Partner's Face!

You're not at fault, but if you think you're going to hurl the affair in your partner's face every time you too have a disagreement, then you'll actually be more responsible for the death of the relationship than the affair was. Count on it - at this point, your partner feels terrible about the affair. What good do you think it will do to keep bringing it up?

Explore Your Heart

If you can't get past those initial feelings of pain and betrayal, it's going to be impossible to forgive your partner. How do you feel? Do you feel angry? Betrayed? Humiliated? Everything? This is the best time to express all your emotions and understand them all.

Don't let this degenerate into an exercise in figuring out what a terrible person your partner is, or how you're always being mistreated. The point here is to examine what you feel. You pretty much know why you feel like that, and continually blaming your partner isn't going to help anything. If it's necessary, go ahead and scream or cry or whatever. Sooner or later, you really will get past that initial reaction.

Obviously, reacting to the affair with mostly negative emotions doesn't do anyone any good; hopefully, you're now at a point where you can focus clearly and concentrate on growing together and moving forward.

Have a Heart-to-Heart Talk

You need to do it, and it's going to be among the more difficult things you've ever done, but you've still got to do it. With your partner - and only your partner - have an honest conversation about the cause of the affair. Such things that cause so much pain are difficult to discuss, but you won't be able to grow as a couple unless you've done so and started the process of healing infidelity.

Discuss - calmly - what caused the affair. Your feelings are very important, and you and your partner need to explore thoroughly how you each felt during and after the affair, and especially when you found out about it. There's no doubt that it's hard to hear the truth. Reconciling after an affair is a very mature, adult course of action to take. Don't ruin it with immature behavior like name-calling and finger-pointing.

Would you prefer to be acknowledged as being right, or would you prefer to be in a happy relationship? It's much harder to admit that you may have been at fault and contributed to the problem than it is to insist that you were wronged. These are some to the elements of good communication - not just raising your voice louder and louder until you're certain your partner heard you.

Take Your Relationship to the Next Level Where Neither Partner Cheats

Moving forward is the next step of your planning, but only after you and your partner have thoroughly discussed the issue. If you understand what led to the affair in the first place, you can agree on how to avoid such situations in the future. Likewise, you need to agree on ways to improve your communications. You can't just commit now to the relationship; you've got to commit to improving it.

Few challenges jeopardize a relationship as much as cheating, and learning to forgive it is also a challenge. It depends on your commitment, but if you're both willing, you can work to build a new future - and a new past - together. Sure it'll take some time and there'll be some painful moments along the way, but your faith in each other can be restored and you can work on creating tomorrow's memories.

5 Ways To Send The Green-Eyed Monster After Your Ex!

If you can make your ex jealous, it's a sure sign he still has feelings for you. If he still has feelings for you, he may want to start seeing you again, if they're strong enough. The tips discussed here on making a man jealous have been used by someone successfully many times. Use these strategies cautiously, though, because there is also a great chance that you'll annoy him and push him away forever.

Make An Ex Jealous Tip #1

The first tip is this: for a while, just don't have anything to do with your ex at all. I know it doesn't seem to make sense, because you want to do things to catch his attention and make him jealous, but staying away will also get him thinking - perhaps you're over him, or perhaps you found some other guy . . . If you stop talking with him, he'll start wondering what's going on with you. You don't want him thinking you need him because he'll probably just get irritated and want nothing to do with you. The more time you go without talking with him, the more effective the next tips will be.

Make An Ex Jealous Tip #2

Next - like the song says, "don't worry, be happy!" Do the things you enjoy doing, even if you're used to doing them with your ex. Most men think that a woman can't have a good time without them. Some of his jealousy will be because he'll realize that you were happy because of something that had nothing to do with him. In addition, just being happy makes a woman more attractive and sexy, which will definitely have an effect on him. Set aside time to do something you've been putting off, like taking a class in something special to you, or putting together a shopping trip with your friends. Another idea that a lot of women find useful is to get a makeover. Then you can move on to the third tip.

Make An Ex Jealous Tip #3

The next tip to make an ex jealous is to invite him for dinner. You've got this happy, positive aura about you, and likely a new makeover as well, and it's time he saw them face-to-face. Remember, it's been a while since the two of you have spoken, even if he's seen you here and there or his friends have told him that your active and happy. Bring him up to date on what you've been up to and make sure he sees how happy you are. Don't you think it'll make him jealous to know that you're as happy as you are without him - and probably a lot more attractive than he remembers as well! Have a pleasant time with him and make it clear you want to be friends - then you're ready for the next tip.

Make An Ex Jealous Tip #4

Next, date another man. Do you think that when he finds out you're seeing other men, he just won't care? Of course, getting back with your ex, if that's your goal, means you can't get seriously involved with anyone else. Thus, keep your dating light and friendly. The more of this sort of behavior you engage in, the greater the chance that your ex will know about it - especially if you travel in the same circles. It's knowing that someone else finds you attractive enough to date that will make him jealous - he'll be wondering if he missed something about you. Now before you embark on tip #5, be certain that you've dated enough to have a man you're comfortable with - you'll need him for tip #5.

Make An Ex Jealous Tip #5

This final tip is well-known, but it invariably elicits a reaction! Make certain to bring a date to any function you know your ex will be attending. There are all sorts of things, like parties and other celebrations. The key element of this strategy is that he can see you with your date. Make sure your ex is aware that you're there, and then just have a good time with your date - laughing, smiling, flirting . . . You know your ex, and so make sure you don't do anything that might make him lose his temper. Thus, even though you're having a good time, make sure to keep the situation under control. And remember your date's feelings as well - don't embarrass him!

After trying the foregoing tips, I'm confident you can fill your ex with jealousy to the point where he might even want to resume a relationship with you. Jealousy only grows where feelings still exist, of course - but if they do exist, you'll have nurtured them so that they're constantly in his mind and heart. Your actions might push him further away, of course, but that'll happen only if he no longer has any feelings for you. Of course, if he got jealous, that means the feelings are there, and he's thinking of you - a lot. It's up to you now to decide if you want to get back together with him.

How To Get Over A Love - 5 Helpful Tips

One of the most difficult things you'll ever face in life is getting over a love, especially if the relationship was serious. These tips won't help you rescue the relationship, they'll help you recover from it. Sure, it hurts now, but you know you'll get over it sooner or later. Following these tips will help to make it sooner.

How to Get Over a Love Tip #1

First, don't have anything to do with him. Don't call him. Don't text him. Don't write him a snail mail letter. Don't hang out by his house just to "bump into him." Do you want to get over him? Then you cannot keep on communicating with him, no matter how great the temptation might be "just to hear his voice . . ." Another thing that people sometimes do is pester his friends with questions about how he's doing. Trust me - he'll be fine. And you will, too, once you push him out of hour head!

How to Get Over a Love Tip #2

Second, bring your family and friends into your confidence - share your situation with them. These are the people you've shared your life with. Do you suppose perhaps some of them may have been through what you're going through? Maybe they have some useful advice! Get together with these folks as often as you can and do something interesting together. If you spend time with family and friends, it'll preoccupy you, so that you won't spend as much time thinking about your lost love.

How to Get Over a Love Tip #3

Third, don't keep your emotions in. You may be feeling anger, pain, frustration, bitterness, humiliation, betrayal . . . all these things need to be let loose. There are many different things you can do - shout, scream, cry, wail - just as long as you don't injure yourself. This isn't the time to restrain yourself - you really need to let it all out. The idea here is really to flush out those bad emotions - get them all out of you. If you're polite and restrained during the process - that is, if you don't really let go and let them loose - then you're going to have a real hard time moving on.

How to Get Over a Love Tip #4

Fourth, stop lazing about feeling sorry for yourself - get busy! Each of us has a list of things we want to do once we get some time - you've got some time now, so get out your list! You need something else to occupy your mind to keep from thinking about your love. Why not find something interesting, something you've always wanted to do? Think of all the different pursuits available to you - you could learn a musical instrument, or a new language, or take up hiking or kayaking. The only requirement is that it be something you really want to do. You'll have a great time learning or experiencing new things, on top of which you'll be learning that you can have a life and a good time without him!

How to Get Over a Love Tip #5

Fifth, keep uppermost in your mind and heart the fact that you can love again. You'd be surprised how many times people think that they'll never find another love like the one they just lost. But don't forget how many people really do move on and find new love. Who knows? What if the love that just left your life wasn't really the one for you? How would you find the right one if you're tied down in a relationship? Of course, you won't find a new love if you purposely avoid finding someone new.

My point in writing this was to help you get over a love - I hope it helped. It hurts badly and you sometimes despair, but hang in there - time really is a great healer. Your heartbreak will heal faster the more you follow these steps.

5 Steps To Healing The Hurt Of Infidelity

Few things are as emotionally painful as betrayal. The pain of infidelity can be cured, if you choose to try to restore the relationship and forgive an affair. At this point, the pain your feeling may be beyond description. Believe it or not, there advantages to forgiving someone who's cheated on you, even though forgiveness might not seem to make much sense right now. You might be doing this because your feelings for him are still strong, but an even more important reason is that you're doing it for yourself. Forgiving and healing is good not only for the cheater, but for you as well. Forgiving infidelity, though, is something that you do only once with a boyfriend - make it clear that there are no third chances. If he's cheated before, and has now cheated again, you know he's going to do it again. Get on with your life without him. If he's really sincere about rebuilding the relationship, then try these five steps:

Healing Infidelity Tip #1

The first step is this: sit down and have an honest talk with him about his infidelity. No matter hard it is for you, it's going to be hard on him as well, because he's going to have to explain why he couldn't be faithful. He'll be admitting that he's weak. But it's a critical conversation to have if you're to find out why he cheated. Perhaps he thought that your feelings for him had cooled down, or maybe he just had a crisis of self-confidence. When he gives his account of his actions, don't be judgmental and accusing. If he's sincere, he feels bad enough now, and you probably can't say anything to him he hasn't said himself. You'll be able to judge the depth of his sincerity and remorse during this conversation, which is the other reason you can't skip it.

Healing Infidelity Tip #2

The second step is to let your feelings out. Right now, you probably feel all sorts of emotions bottled up inside you. You need to let your emotions out, but don't do it in a harmful way. Drugs and alcohol, for instance, are far more likely to harm you than let you deal with your emotions. There are all sorts of ways to express those emotions, though, without risking your physical or mental health in the process. An excellent outlet is to write in a journal. Another approach is to adopt a regular workout routine. The point is, though, that you've got to do something to get those emotions out of you - you've got to purge them. One way that many people have found successful is simply to have a good cry. One of the keys to healing infidelity is to heal yourself.

Healing Infidelity Tip #3

The third step may be the hardest, because the third step is to forgive. At this point, if you haven't really forgiven him, there's no point in being in a relationship with your boyfriend. It's time to put the past behind you. You made your choice, now forgive him. Your love for him will give you the strength to forgive him.

Healing Infidelity Tip #4

The fourth step is to make an appointment with a counselor or other mental health professional. You both need some professional-level help and support in your relationship. The only alternative is to talk to a trusted friend who's had first-hand experience in what you're going through. As with all things worth having, this will take some work. One crucial point is to listen to what he has to say and don't accuse. Don't waste your time, or your friend's by pointing fingers or being judgmental. You can't rescue the relationship yourself, and he certainly can't do it on his own. It needs the two of your working together.

Healing Infidelity Tip #5

The fifth and final step is this: accept what's happened, put it behind you, and move on with your life. The kind of pain caused by infidelity can be massive. It takes time to heal with both of you working on it. Betrayal's pain doesn't get healed overnight, so don't expect that. It's generally take you longer to heal, since you were the one who was hurt. The healing will come faster, though, if you look forward instead of backward.

If you can overcome the pain of infidelity, it will likely make yours a strong and secure relationship. I hope the steps I've presented here can help. It's certainly true that we all make mistakes - nobody is perfect! When we encounter such bad situations, what's most important is how we lean and grow from them.